" Make Dancing involved in your Wellbeing Routine "




                                               WHO ARE OUR CLIENTS ?

            Client Offices, London and around the UK

Business decision makers who want to increase annual profits and turnover by investing in their employee Wellbeing, this improves staff Performance Potential. All employees are expected to have suitable accommodation and an acceptable living environment to work competently. Therefore after a long week at work a Music event will be a huge boost to recharge your mind for a new week of work.




How does our Service help your employees to improve ?

Our Service helps your employees by taking away the pressures that can sometimes over-ride their thought process at work. Our approach to mental Wellbeing is designed to develop your working environment with digital content that helps your staff to cope during the day at work , helping them to balance both work and private life pressure. We hope to create a useful resource that your company employees can rely upon for accurate information that enhances their state of mental wellbeing throughout the day and intrinsically develops useful communication with other employees in different industries from more local regions.


 Letting off Steam before you re-focus

We understand that team work is a fundamental part of any successful corporation who is able to stay at the top of their game for years and years. 

No thriving businesses goes into the millions without investment and this is why we know that working with the right investment team will allow us to grow while maintaining our core values. With the wrong investment partners this will deprive us of the opportunity to manage our customer expectations, allowing them to use our service to improve their lives for the better.

We believe that our approach to Employee development will not only minimise sick days, staff illness and accidents at work but improves the overall productivity of your company.


Why a good Team Ethos and Cohesion is so important for Growth

If you look at groups who are successful in sports or business, one thing they don't Lack is team vision or Cohesion. Gym sessions on weekends or attending music events can be a useful way to build rapor with your friends from work or even your personal Social Network.



Now that we are over the pandemic slowing down the finance industry. Our small Urban music events are designed to develop the workplace environment from outside of the workplace. We believe that adult wellbeing is a fundemental area of modern society with huge room for growth. This is an area that takes adults from potential depression because of too much work and no social life to create balance. Even for those who are self-emloyed, adult wellbeing is an area that if not implemented within someone's lifestyle routine can lead to depression. With the pandemic now gone, we believe that as long you are of the appropriate age, and you have a suitable strategy for work or business income that secures your financial stability, a useful wellbeing routine is essential. We are open to working with local organisations in order to improve the B.A.I.M.E. economic environment. Social welfare of employees that attend our events will make them distinguishable to normal employess with no wellbeing routine.

 bookings for Personal Training:

Once you have decided on the service relationship that best suits your company, complete our contact form to specify your group requirements for our next scheduled virtual music event or just Personal Training sessions. Simple as that:

You can use your mobile phone to make Event Enquires or service requests from where ever you are.





                           Wellbeing Partnerships and venue locations

When your organisation commits to our Partnership we then discuss providing your team with details of our up coming events as well as recommend any offers for health and fitness sessions if Music events are not your thing. As a business that supports individual and collective urban growth instead of watching the rich get richer and individuals who are poor get poorer we feel that sharing opportunities for growth or lifestyle equality can improve the overall collective intentions of your community for financial development thus changing the Cultural mood. Our events are located in regions that support our core values.

